This is the full line-up of UH Fest 2024
42 performances across 8 venues and non-venues of Budapest, from 7th to 13th October.
UH Fest 2024: újabb nevek és az idei SHAPE+ program
70 százalékos a fellépők listája és rezidenciaprogramunk is harmadik évébe lép.
Here are the SHAPE+ artists for the 2024/25 season
Marci Bíró aka Drogded, Kinga Ötvös and Enrico Malatesta are the artists nominated by UH Fest.
SHAPE+ goes to Serbia and Kazakhstan
SHAPE+ Platform announces two collaborative showcases outside of the EU: Serbia’s Polja Festival at the end of June, and the şien Festival in Kazakhstan in July.
Open call for Ukrainian interns
The deadline is 21st June, the internships will take place mid 2024 to early 2025 at SHAPE+ festivals.
Open call: be an artist of SHAPE+ platform in 2024/25
The working period is from July 15th, 2024 to July 15th, 2025. Application deadline is 31th March.
UH Fest is back with a brimming 7-day programme for avid listeners of unconventional and adventurous sounds 

The festival will host 35 artists from 23 countries from 2nd to 8th October across five venues of Budapest.
Teljes az UH Fest idei fellépőinek a névsora
Jön a kalandvágyó és szabad zenék egyhetes budapesti ünnepe. 35 fellépő 23 országból Budapest öt helyszínén: a Trafóban, Turbinában, Gólyában, Három Hollóban és a Francia Intézetben.
UH Fest 2023 is coming soon: here are the first announced acts
Budapest's one-week celebration of free and adventurous music is between 2nd and 8th October. Festival passes are available. The fifty percent of the line-up is now announced.
Újabb fellépők: a SHAPE+ és az UH Fest együttműködése folytatódik
Tavaszi rezidenciaprogramunk is folytatódik, 40 százalékos a program.
Here is the SHAPE+ roster for 2023/24, including two Hungarian acts
Following the combined process of curational selection, open call and voting by the member festivals the new roster include – as every year since 2015 – three delegates of UH Fest as well.
Full program of the SHAPE+ showcase with Mutant Radio and two new partners
UH Fest of Budapest delegates The Stanley Maneuver for the Tbilisi showcase.
UH Fest and SHAPE+ bring together six musicians for two Budapest residencies in April and introduces second wave artists
Emcsi, Orsolya Kaincz, The Stanley Maneuver and Esteban De La Torre are introduced as second wave artists of SHAPE+ 2022/23.
SHAPE+ announces open call for 2023/2024
UH Fest's collaboration and curational work with Shape Platform and the Creative Europe programme of the EU started in 2015 and continues as part of the SHAPE+ for the next three-year term.
Kezdődik az UH Fest, őket láthatjátok a fesztivál egy hete alatt
34 fellépő, 6 helyszín, 7 nap. Bérletek, jegyek, napi bontás.
UH Fest returns in October: here is the full programme
Following its two-decade long path of presenting free music and connecting local and international scenes, the 2022 edition of UH Fest is set to take place across six venues of Budapest between 10 and 16 October.
Technoprimitív, fantomacid, betonrock: új nevek, hatvan százalékos line-up
A nyitó- és a zárónapra is válthatók már külön koncertjegyek.
SHAPE+ fellépők az UH Festen, és az eddigi tudnivalók
Egy hétig kaphatók még kedvezményesen bérletek az idei UH Festre.
SHAPE+ platform announces 2022 list of artists
SHAPE+ builds upon the previous SHAPE platform, which from 2015 to 2022 supported 336 emerging European artists and presented their work at festivals, events and venues in numerous countries across Europe and beyond.
SHAPE and Crack Magazine announce online collaboration
16 European acts will premiere on the Bristol-based magazine.
Budapesten lép fel márciusban a Shit and Shine és a Siksa
De nem csak ők. Extra napot tart március 3-án a Gólyában az UH Fest. Egy nappal korábban beszélgetést is szervezünk az egyik fellépővel.
UH Fest returns in October, and here is the full programme
After last year's online programming, UH Fest is going physical again between 4th and 10th October.
Ludomir Franczak és H.D. Thoreau a Kolorádó erdejében
A Walden című audiovizuális előadás az önrendelkezésnek, önmagunk megismerésének, a munkának és a polgári engedetlenségnek a kérdéseit gondolja újra H.D. Thoreau korszakos jelentőségű és egyre aktuálisabb műve alapján.
Ősszel visszatér az UH Fest
Egy év kihagyás után újból nemzetközi szabad zenei fesztivált rendezünk.
Shape Platform announces the list of artists for 2021
SHAPE annually chooses 48 musicians and artists to participate in a mix of live performances, residencies, workshops and talks across member festivals and special events.
Online programmal zárja az évet az UH Fest
A 2020-as UH Fest elmaradt ugyan, november 26. és december 1. között azonban online zenei műsorral jelentkezünk.
SHAPE platform & XLR8R announce two-week collaboration
Elmarad az idei UH Fest
De valamilyen formában jelentkezünk az ősz folyamán.
SHAPE announces open call for 2021
SHAPE platform for innovative music and audiovisual art announces a new open call for artist submissions for the 2021 SHAPE artist roster.
Shape Platform: here are the artists for 2020, including three Hungarian acts
The platform is run by a union of 16 European festivals, including UH Fest, Insomnia, Maintenant, Unsound and CTM.
UH Fest 2019: The full line-up and schedule
The Budapest based festival is highlighting again the effort to cross-pollinate and connect the local and international scenes with live performances, music happenings, workshops, talks.
UH Fest 2019 x SHAPE x utolsó kedvezményes bérletek
Együttműködésünk a Shape Platformmal idén idén is folytatódik. Kilenc fellépőt mutatunk be a fesztiválon ennek keretében. Itt az UH Fest programjának közel fele.
A SHAPE projektről
Bővebben a 16 európai fesztivált összefogó platformról, amelynek az UH Fest az egyik alapítója.

*Co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.