Minimalistic Sweden
Minimalistic Sweden

| Minimalistic Sweden

03.26 Saturday, 15:15-18:30

Kuplung (1065 Budapest, Király u. 46.)

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The four members of Minimalistic Sweden are all from the same little town in the south of sweden, Hässleholm, and pretty well known in other contexts - Andreas Tilliander (Mille Plateaux, Raster-Noton) , Stephan Thor aka Folie (Mitek) and Anders Martinsson / Anders Nordgren aka Pfeffenbauer.

Their release, perhaps somewhat self-ironically named Standard Klickmusik, is a journey into deep, minimal and atmospheric layers of electronic dub, house and funk, where the glitch and the static are present but not dominate. An intense and slow moving piece, it meanders through viscous layers of harmonies, beats and bleeps towards the gravity center of the genre, picking up and developing what is left aside and undiscovered. A fascinating journey that takes quite unexpected turns during its 52 minutes duration.

